Sunday, October 23, 2016

Raspberry Pi

Eben Upton - Founder Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi  is the awesome, amazing credit card sized computer aimed to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.Many thanks to Eben Upton, the founder and the team Raspberry Foundation behind Raspberry Pi. The important people in the raspberry foundation were group of academics and technicians—Eben Upton, Rob Mulins, Jack Lang, Alan Mycroft, Pete Lomas, and David Braben. Thank you all...

The Official book.

The first commercially available Raspberry Pi unit was launched on February 19, 2012, and sales started ten days later. This version could run Linux-based desktop operating systems, and featured 256MB of RAM, one USB port, and no Ethernet port. This was named the Model A.

Flashback - It was during a Sept in 2000, I sat more than one hour in front of a computer.(And still a newbie ;-)) I still remember the ways we friends tried to explore - both software and hardware of so called machine - computer. Balancing the mouse for first time, then slowly becoming a pro unknowingly by playing some mouse-click games in Flash. Exploring the windows OS, Microsoft paint - drawing pictures, making presentations, loved those days. When we get into deeper in the subject - we all loved to have one for our own - both to learn more and play more. And you know the big hurdle was the cost - it was around 32,000 Rupees that time. Now you can buy the same device with just 3000 rupees and it comes in the size of a credit card!!! And you don't need to buy specially designed computer desks!!!... You can use your own at home :) Thanks to Eben Upton and Raspberry Foundation for this.

I tried two different versions of this, and the latest one i tried is Raspberry 3. Its good - it uses Linux as its OS base. You can install the OS in a memory card and insert into the pi. Raspberry 3 will detect your wifi and connects to internet, that gives you more easy to start with a new Raspberry Pi setup. You can buy it from Amazon India - Rasperry Pi 3. The full kit from here.

Buy it today, and try creating your own home web server, or buy some pi cameras and create your on home security system, or you can create entertainment systems (music, other wall displays) and its endless, Hope you will try one soon...

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